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This paper discusses the econometric model of inflation processes in the Republic of Belarus which makes it possible to …
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Prais (1958) showed that the standard CPI computed by most statistical agencies can be interpreted as a weighted average of household price indexes, where the weight of each household is determined by its total expenditures. In this paper, we analytically decompose the difference between the...
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Mismeasurement of inflation is likely to be more severe in a transition economy than in a more stable environment …. Reasonable estimates of the size of the inflationary bias in the Czech Republic suggest that conventionally reported declines in …
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/or failing to assess correctly the quality of their private signal. We evaluate the impact of the considered bias on the …
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Studies suggest a bias against the publication of null (p > .05) results. Instead of significance, we advocate …
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We study the effects of unequal representation in the interest-group system on the degree of information transmission between a lobbyist and a policymaker. Employing a dynamic cheap-talk model in which the lobbyist cares instrumentally about his reputation for truthtelling, we show that the...
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may have a differential impact across groups, creating differential bias. We should reorganize forensic work to reduce … differential bias. The obvious strategy of hiring ethnically diverse forensic workers will not work. “Us vs. Them” thinking is an … important source of differential bias. The definition of “Us” and “Them” is socially conditioned. The current organization of …
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This study evaluates the performance of the eight most important Swedish domestic forecasters of real GDP-growth, CPI-inflation …, the root mean square error, bias and finally directional accuracy. The forecasts are even compared to naive random walk … to the comparisons with the naive random walk model six out of seven Swedish CPI-inflation forecasters were outperformed …
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We study the effects of unequal representation in the interest-group system on the degree of information transmission between a lobbyist and a policymaker. Employing a dynamic cheap-talk model in which the lobbyist cares instrumentally about his reputation for truthtelling, we show that the...
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Recent surveys in the United States and the Muslim world show widespread misinformation about the events of September 11, 2001. Using data from 9 predominantly Muslim countries, we study how such beliefs depend on exposure to news media and levels of education. Standard economic theory would...
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