Showing 1 - 10 of 105
This paper examines the relevance of the monetary approach for exchange rate behaviour in India, unde rthe managed float regime. It finds supprot for purchaisng power parity in traded goods and that the monetary approach provdies a reasonable description of exchange rate behaviour in the period...
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This paper tests for mean-reversion in real exchange rates for India during the recent (managed) float period yield evidence of mean- reversion in the real exchange rate series constructed with the consumer price index as deflator as well as for a series constructed using the ratio of wholesale...
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This paper employs new estimates of US currency held abroad to determine the degree of unofficial or de facto dollarization that has taken place in key countries around the world. Empirical estimates of foreign currency in circulation permits refined definitions of unofficial dollarization...
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This paper studies an unusually comprehensive data-set of the universe of research groups that applied to an Italian 1989 93 research programme in biotechnology and bio-instrumentation. We develop a model to test whether past publications influence the expected grants obtained by the units in...
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The objective of this paper is to examine the long-run determinants of internal migrations from South Italy, and, in …
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El objetivo de este paper es realizar una descripción del caso brasileño, en lo que hace a la salida de un sistema en el cual el ancla nominal de la economía era un tipo de cambio semi-fijo, hacia un régimen de flotación “cuasi” limpia de la moneda, en el que el ancla de la economía...
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El tema de la inflación ha sido uno de los más debatidos en los últimos meses. Los incrementos de precios registrados en el primer trimestre de 2005 han avivado la discusión. Este trabajo muestra que el problema está lejos de estar fuera de control y que determinadas medidas de política...
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Territorial appointees to an independent central bank (e.g. District Federal Reserve Banks’ presidents, Governors of national central banks at the ECB’s Governing Council) are liable to confront a “role conflict” stemming from a duality of loyalties and allegiances - to the home regional...
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Current monetary policy involves the manipulation of the Central Bank interest rate (the repo rate), with the specific objective of achieving the goal(s) of monetary policy. The latter is normally the inflation rate, although in a number of instances this may include the level of economic...
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The paper presents a structural model framework for a small open economy. The model, based on optimising households and firms, has been calibrated on Czech macroeconomic data in order to develop an analytic framework suitable for analysing key policy questions related to the Czech Republic’s...
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