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We use county data with 3,058 observations to study growth and convergence in the US. We assess the effect of 40 conditioning variables on the counties’ balanced growth paths. Using OLS and 3SLS-IV, the later yielding consistent estimates, we report estimates for the full sample and for metro,...
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We study bilateral bargaining problems with interested third parties, the stakeholders that enjoy benefits upon a bilateral agreement. We explore the strategic implications of this third party involvement. Our main finding is that the potential willigness of the stake holders to make...
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The paper demonstrates a potential theoretical problem in achieving general equilibrium in an economy composed of firms maximizing income per worker; a problem which suggests that disequilibria in a labor- managed economy might be a rule rather than exception.
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This paper studies a class of general equilibrium economies in which the individuals' endowments depend on privately observed effort choices and the financial markets are endogenous. The environment is modeled as a two-stage game. Individuals first make strategic financial-innovation decisions....
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daily travel time 13% or 8 minutes too long. Efficiency gains that curb this excess sprawl come from congestion tolls on … greenbelt. This entails a deadweight loss almost 70 times the efficiency gains from tolls. Urban boundaries can be efficient if …
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Reply to professor Vanek's comment on Bogetic's paper in the same issue of the Economic Analysis and Workers' Management.
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This paper presents a model of endogenous oil spill regulation where the severity of regulations is shown to be a function of the size of recent spills. The regulator chooses how much to regulate in order to maximize political capital when regulations are rigid downwards and the distribution of...
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In a two sector mobile capital Harris-Todaro model, such as Corden and Findlay (1975), an inflow of foreign capital in the presence of protectionist policy is welfare deteriorating as well as unemployment accentuating. But, the developing countries have chosen liberalized investment and trade...
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This paper addresses an issue that has been overlooked in the literature on the effects of population ageing: Transmission onto small countries of the economic effects of population ageing, a natural, demographic outcome of the shock that many large industrial countries experienced in the form...
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The objective of this paper is to present Hickssian general equilibrium approaches to productivity measurement in the presence of market failure.
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