Showing 1 - 10 of 82
The diffusion of health care technology is influenced by both the total market share of managed care organizations as well as the level of competition among them. This paper differentiates between HMO penetration and competition and examines their relationship to the adoption of cardiac...
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This paper analyzes the effects of different sources of R&D funding and patent office attributes on the patenting process. Another important contribution is modeling the effect of a random delay in the ‘pendency’ time as a stochastic process and quantifying its effect on patenting. The...
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The notion that lack of knowledge undermines the economic performance of African countries is deeply and widely held to be true. Yet evidence for the basis of that truth is few and far in-between. This paper first describes a production function approach to the creation of knowledge of African...
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the high persistence of expected inflation under indeterminacy is found to account for the price puzzle observed in actual …
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simulations from a purely forward-looking model, this paper shows that indeterminacy can introduce a sizable persistence in the … self full-filling expectations. By neglecting indeterminacy the estimates of the forward- looking term of the Phillips …
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omission in the VARs of a variable capturing the high persistence of expected inflation under indeterminacy is found to account …
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presence of indeterminacy, sunspot equilibria can exist. I study the stability of the trap, subject to continuous-time sunspot …
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Many economic models are completed by finding a parameter vector that optimizes a function f, a task that only be accomplished by iterating from a starting vector. Use of a generic iterative optimizer to carry out this task can waste enormous amounts of computation when applied to a class of...
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This paper presents a simple discrete time model for valuing real options. A short proof of optimal exercise rules for the standard problems in the real options theory is given in the binomial and trinomial models, and more generally, when the underlying uncertainty is modelled as a random walk...
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A general framework for pricing of real options in continuous time for wide classes of payoff streams that are monotone functions of a Levy process is provided. Exercise rules are formulated in terms of statistics of record-setting low payoffs and can be viewed as an extension of Bernanke's bad...
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