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Multinational firms are traditionally considered as firms possessing some technological lead and exploiting this proprietary advantage in international markets, but a growing literature has been arguing that multinational firms set up foreign subsidiaries not only as a means to exploit their own...
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Japanese and U.S. saving rates have been significantly different over the last forty years. Can a standard growth model explain this difference? The answer is yes. Our results indicate that both an infinite horizon, complete markets setup and an overlapping generations model with incomplete...
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Our study encompasses two main objectives. One, using the 2001 OECD National Account database we compute Total Factor Productivity growth (TFPG) for Finland for the years from 1960 until 1999 using a chained Fisher index. We report that over the 4 decades Finland’s TFPG has grown on a 2.4%...
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Much of the literature on the impact of R&D on economic performance is founded on the advanced countries, where the intensity of R&D expenditure has been relatively high and stable for many years. In this paper, we provide empirical estimates of the impact of R&D on the economic growth of a...
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In this paper I evaluate the contribution of R&D investments to productivity growth. The basis for the analysis are the free entry condition and the fact that most R&D innovations are embodied. Free entry yields a relationship between the resources devoted to R&D and the growth rate of...
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This paper shows that a significant part of measured total factor productivity (TFP) differences across countries is attributable not to technological factors that affect the entire economy neutrally, but rather, to variations in the structural composition of economies. In particular, the...
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In growth and development policy investment ratio is an important policy instrument. However, there is no well defined framework to determine what should be the investment ratio for a given growth target. This paper explains the potential of Solow (1956) and Solow (1957) to explain the...
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This paper investigates the determinants of TFP for Italian regions. We find strong evidence in favour of the factors commonly suggested by the theoretical literature. In particular, R&D expenditures and the number of researchers are positively related to regional TFP. Moreover, human capital is...
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The present paper undertakes a decomposition analysis of the output growth of Indian manufacturing sector. Such an exercise becomes important in view of the non-sustainability of growth proposed by Krugman for the East Asian countries. As the law of diminishing returns to factor inputs is...
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We examine the contribution of incremental and radical innovations to total factor productivity (TFP) growth at the firm level. The first part of our analysis is dedicated to the determinants of innovation and reveals two different innovation regimes. On the one hand, radical innovations rely...
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