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-spread default affects the banking system. We find that the interaction of credit, asset prices, and loan losses explains a complete …We link banking and asset prices in a simple monetary macroeconomic model. Our main innovation is to consider how wide … deteriorate, an asset price decline causes default among leveraged firms, and banks suffer loan losses. Their size determines …
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falling asset prices affect the banking system through wide-spread borrower default, while deriving explicit solutions and …This paper links banking with asset prices in a monetary macroeconomic model. The main innovation is to consider how …-linear, and involves feedback from the banking system in the form of credit contraction. When borrowers repay, the effect ‘passes …
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's option value, even after compensating a lender for expected default losses. This non-neutrality of debt arises from an … risks, and lowers the investment threshold. Compensating the lender for expected default losses reduces project …
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reorganization or liquidation if the value of the firm falls below a certain threshold. In the event of default, however, many …
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Dentro de los casos más recientes de transición a regímenes de flotación del tipo de cambio, el caso brasileño por su cercanía geográfica e intensidad de la relación bilateral, así como el éxito obtenido en términos de baja inflación en los precios al consumidor, relativa estabilidad...
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measurement. We have extended the standard Merton approach to estimate a new risk neutral distance to default metric, assuming a … more complex capital structure, adjusting for dividend payments, introducing randomness to the default point and allowing a … fractional recovery when default occurs. Then, using financial ratios, other accounting based measures and the risk neutral …
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We extend the credit risk valuation framework introduced by Gatfaoui (2003) to stochastic volatility models. We state a general setting for valuing risky debt in the light of systematic risk and idiosyncratic risk, which are known to affect each risky asset in the financial market. The option...
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Farmer Mac is the GSE charged with creating a secondary market in loans backed by agricultural real estate. The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) has estimated a credit risk model for agricultural mortgages. This model is a key determinant of Farmer Mac’s risk based capital (RBC) requirement....
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This paper examines the role and determinants of collateral in emerging markets compared to mature ones. Analyzing a data set of 560 credit files of Thai commercial banks, we find that both the incidence and degree of collateralization are higher there than in developed markets. Thai banks use...
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The purpose of this paper is to see whether and how G-10 banks have complied with the 1988 Basel Accord. The interest of this study lies in the fact that the standardized approach to credit risk in the New Basel Accord is conceptually similar to the 1988 agreement. However, very little is known...
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