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A simple Ising spin model which can describe the mechanism of advertising in a duopoly market is proposed. In contrast …
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In this note we study a very simple trial & error learning process in the context of a Cournot oligopoly. Without any …
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duopoly with aggregate demand uncertainty. We find that limited liability and investment irreversibility is likely to produce … obligations in adverse states. However, market conditions themselves become endogenous in a duopoly since the quantity decisions … consequently monopolize the market. Therefore, the model of this paper explains predatory behavior in a duopoly without invoking …
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dynamics of a 2- player Cournot duopoly, proposed by Puu (1997). We establish admissibility conditions on the initial state of …
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is better for the duopoly producers than the Stackelberg's leader. This conclusion, however, does not prevail for the …, based on higher Cournot's profits than Stackelberg's profits. Keywords: Duopoly, Durable, Price, Profit. …
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either chooses a R&D (and output) subsidy, or remains inactive. For a domestic duopoly a government taxes, subsidizes, or …
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algorithm of social evolution and aspiration learning for asymmetric duopoly is presented. The evolutionary equilibrium in R …&D duopoly with spillovers is presented and analyzed. The results show that strengthening intellectual property rights protection …
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This paper examines the justifications, history, and practice of regulation in the US telecommunications sector. We examine the impact of technological and regulatory change on market structure and business strategy. Among others, we discuss the emergence and decline of the telecom bubble, the...
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We study dynamic price adjustment under imperfect competition when consumers have non-time-separable preferences. In our model an intertemporal link arises in the consumers' maximization problems because current consumption decisions affect the utility of future consumption. Thus future demand...
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This paper analyses oligopolies using the Cournot/Stackelberg framework, but allowing some firms to be pursueing aims other than profit maximisation. The existence of even a single output maximising firm can have dramatic effects on outputs, prices and welfare, even if such a firms faces...
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