Showing 1 - 10 of 43
These are the page proofs of the interview of Franco Modigliani by William A. Barnett and Robert Solow. The interview was published in the journal, Macroeconomic Dynamics, in 2000. Since William Barnett is one of the two interviewers, he now is permitted, by Cambridge University Press, to make...
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This is the front matter from a book of interviews to be published by Blackwell. The book is coedited by W. A. Barnett and P. A. Samuelson. The front matter includes the Table of Contents, Coeditor Preface by W. A. Barnett, Coeditor Foreword by Paul A. Samuelson, and History of Thought...
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This paper consists of the page proofs of W. A. Barnett's interview of Paul A. Samuelson, to appear in print in the journal, Macroeconomic Dynamics, in September 2004. To our knowledge, this is the first and only interview of Paul A. Samuelson published in a professional economics journal. In...
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Dem neu-keynesianischen langfristigen Gleichgewichtskonzept einer durch Strukturfaktoren des Arbeitsmarktes, der Lohnverhandlungen und der sozialen Sicherungssysteme bestimmten inflationsstabilen Arbeitslosenquote (NAIRU) wird in diesem Beitrag eine post- keynesianische Interpretation der NAIRU...
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This paper presents a sequential model suited to analyze transitions between equilibria. Disequilibrium dynamics are obtained from a standard monopolistic competition model, by introducing a sequential structure and reasonable hypotheses about technology, finance constraints, expectation...
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The trend in manufacturing has not shifted post-91. Liberalisation shares in the high trend phase in manufacturing, that was ushered in after 1981, which continued even after 1991. Liberalisation however, seems to have changed the structure of demand responses of manufacturing output. In...
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Review of Peter J. Montiel 'Macroeconomics in Emerging Markets'
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The analogy between Hayekian monetary dynamics and the Friedman/Phelps accelerationist hypothesis is more problematic than some commentators have been prepared to admit.
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This page is forthcoming in the journal, Macroeconomic Dynamics, as an Announcement from the Editor. The page provides information about the conversion of the journal's submission procedure from on-paper to all electronic. The new system was created by Stephen Spear and is maintained by him on...
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The idea that NN can be usefully used for a better understanding of economic complex mechanisms is present in the literature. Our interest is to show that this is correct if we use the larger possible amounts of information that data conveys. At this end we will start with the consideration...
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