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game condition. Meanwhile, humans are known to show a social stress response during face-to-face social interactions, which … might affect economic behaviors. Furthermore, it is known that there are individual differences in a social stress response … capacities of social memory. In the present study, we investigated the acute effects of social stress- induced free cortisol (a …
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This work constitutes a first exploration on the information about people<92>s satisfaction levels in Uruguay. In … particular, it intends to analyse the relationship between the level of satisfaction with life and other variables in a sample of …
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between these two in the case of basic needs. For the analysis, individuals’ self-reported life satisfaction is used as a … social relations - significantly influence people’s satisfaction, ceteris paribus. Next, the stability of preferences is … between life satisfaction and basic measures of well-being despite the landslide of societal and economic transformation. …
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This paper is the first of its kind to study utility interdependence in marriage using information on subjective well-being of a large sample of people living in the UK over the period 1991-2001. Using “residual” self-rated health to provide instrument for spouse’s well-being and allowing...
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personally reduces life satisfaction, but does not have a significant effect on happiness in ordered logit estimation. However …, generalized ordered logit estimation reveals that being unemployed has a negative effect on happiness at lower happiness scores …, but no significant effect at high happiness levels. …
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happiness in Eastern Europe. In addition, rural dwellers and church goers experience greater life- satisfaction. Aggregate …This paper analyses the determinants of happiness in seven Eastern European transition countries during the early phase … unemployment can explain more of the cross- country variation in happiness than income per capita. …
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- the participants' level of satisfaction was measured. As in the analysis of individual happiness, satisfaction is here … measured by explicitly asking players. A series of interesting results emerges: (1) it is possible to measure satisfaction in … an experiment; (2) as expected, satisfaction is mainly affected by the score; given this value, there are, nevertheless …
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We state the following hypotheses: 1) Happiness depends on social rank – a term from primatology meaning the place in … boost happiness of all. 3) Intelligence is a happiness- boosting tool, which should be more developed by low …
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Are happiness patterns structurally the same when comparing poor and rich countries? Using cross-sectional data from … durable assets ownership seem to determine happiness levels as well as income. Relative income also matters to well …
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well-being explains a significant part of the variation in overall life satisfaction of Eastern Europeans. In an ordered … findings in happiness regressions, such as a negative but u-shaped age effect, positive influences of education and relative …
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