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In this paper, we explore the effects of localised externalities introduced through interaction structures upon the properties of the simplest market model: the discrete choice model with a single homogeneous product and a single seller (the monopoly case). The resulting market is viewed as a...
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The exact mathematical formulation of new System Method based on ideas of “system potential” and “conditions of its realization” is given. Cyclical dynamics of “efficiency of work” of a complex adaptive system follows from this Method. These cycles have the properties like to the...
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The study of the social system in Indonesian mining site needs a unique approach as the social system there cannot be categorized easily as urban or even rural society. It is obvious that in the mining site sociology we can model the three main role-players: regional government, mining...
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The mathematical formulation of new System Method based on ideas of “system potential” and “conditions of its realization” is given. Cyclical dynamics of “efficiency of work” of a complex adaptive system follows from this Method. These cycles have the properties like to the...
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In this paper we present a continuous time dynamical model of heterogeneous agents interacting in a financial market where transactions are cleared by a market maker. The market is composed of fundamentalist, trend following and contrarian agents who process information from the market with...
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In this paper, we study some of the properties of a discrete-time version of the two-class model of growth and distribution proposed by Pasinetti (1962) and Samuelson and Modigliani (1966) with a concave production function of the CES type. Two distinct groups of agents, workers and capitalists,...
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We present the formal definition of meme in the sense of the equivalence between memetics and the theory of cultural evolution. From the formal definition we find that culture can be seen analytically and persuade that memetic gives important role in the exploration of sociological theory,...
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Agent-based computational economics (ACE) is the computational study of economies modelled as evolving decentralized systems of autonomous interacting agents. A key focus of ACE research is understanding how global regularities arise from the bottom up, through the repeated local interactions of...
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A methodology of comparative analysis of evolutionary models is proposed. The main aim of this proposition is to identify to what extend different models can be called ‘evolutionary ones’. Each model is analysed by searching for answers to following questions:  Is the model dynamical one?...
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Transaction Costs Theory has been considered the 'new orthodoxy' in the theory of the firm, being this the very same reason for wide criticism by different schools of economic thought. However, there seems to be signs of complementarity between TCT and evolutionary approaches to the firm. Some...
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