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We develop a definition of equilibrium for agenda formation in general voting settings. The definition is independent … of any protocol. We show that the set of equilibrium outcomes for any Pareto efficient voting rule is uniquely determined … elimination (or amendment), the set of equilibrium outcomes corresponds with the Banks set. We also examine the implications in …
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concentration. Like water in chemistry, this utility is a universal solvent in economics in which all other forms of wealth dissolve …, business entity, association etc., tries to attain equilibrium between these two components of wealth. True equilibrium is a … rare phenomenon. As one approaches the true equilibrium state one gets more active economically. Deficit budgetting helps a …
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Evolutionary arguments are often used to justify the fundamental behavioral postulates of competive equilibrium … these claims in an evolutionary general equilibrium model. If the economic environment were held constant, profitable firms … would grow and unprofitable firms would shrink. In the general equilibrium model, prices change as factor demands and output …
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as large as the collection of competitive equilibrium allocations. We confirm this for a standard model featuring land … assumed by a government that ploughs back rent (at least in excess of its agricultural value) to its citizens, the equilibrium …
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The Nash equilibrium solution concept for games is based on the assumption of expected utility maximization. Reference … two types of loss-aversion equilibrium, a solution concept endogenizing reference points. The two types reflect different … types of updating of reference points during the game. In equilibrium, reference points emerge as expressions of …
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The accelerated development in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and Grid computing has positioned them as promising next generation computing platforms. They enable the creation of Virtual Enterprises (VE) for sharing resources distributed across the world. However, resource management, application...
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This paper analyzes the data from a questionnaire mailed to professors in the Economics' departments of the Spanish …
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Despite the shortcomings of Hayek’s spontaneous order, there is a positive side, perhaps even a positive feedback. Hayek left us with a “what if” question and returns us to that initial opening of Pandora’s Box, or perhaps the initial onset of neo-realism, neo-liberalism,...
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Tropical forests are estimated to release approximately 1.7 PgC per year as a result of deforestation. Avoiding tropical deforestation could potentially play a significant role in carbon mitigation over the next 50 years if not longer. Many policymakers and negotiators are skeptical of our...
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The Productivity Commission's final research report, released December 2004, responds to a request by the Australian Government to examine the contribution that national reform of building regulation has made and further reform could make to the performance of the building and construction...
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