Showing 81 - 90 of 102
In a number of works on education of women, it has been asserted that educating a woman is equal to educating a family … and that women are worth training more than their counterparts, men. However, despite the fact that positive contribution … of women’s education to the economy and society has been long known, education of women in many nations, particularly in …
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Kadýn eðitimiyle ilgili bir çok çalýþmada, bir kadýný eðitmenin, bir aileyi eðitmekle eþdeðer olduðu ve bir erkeði eðitmeye göre daha önemli olduðu vurgulanmaktadýr. Kadýn eðitiminin ekonomiye ve topluma olumlu katkýlarý bilinmesine raðmen özellikle geliþmekte olan...
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This paper explores the consequences of skill biased technological progress on the savings rates. The literature, both theoretical and empirical, on the causes and consequences of skill biased technological progress in the past few years has burgeoned considerably. So has the literature on...
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The paper analyzes the convergence dynamics of a log-linearized open- economy neoclassical growth model under the assumptions of large adjustment costs for human capital investment, moderate adjustment costs for physical capital investment, and perfect capital mobility. The model can be...
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Luego de examinar el marco teórico y conceptual de la teoría del crecimiento y del comercio internacional, se mide la eficacia de la apertura comercial impulsada por el TLCAN para fomentar el intercambio comercial. Asimismo, se evalúan los efectos de éste en el crecimiento económico de los...
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Productive consumption enables the satisfaction of current needs and, at the same time, increases the productive potential of labour. Theoretical as well as empirical evidence suggests that productive consumption is primarily relevant to low-income countries. From the perspective of growth...
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In this paper we use growth accounting methodology to study whether human capital explains a part of total factor productivity in transition. The results that are obtained are not in support of the theoretical findings of growth theory that human capital is a major determinant of growth and...
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This chapter examines the process of development from an epoch of Malthusian stagnation to a state of sustained economic growth. The analysis focuses on recently advanced unified growth theories that capture the intricate evolution of income per capita, technology, and population over the course...
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The objective of this paper is to analyse the intergenerational transmission mechanisms within a theoretical framework which supposes a heterogeneous family structure. For that, we propose a modified version of the model of Becker and Tomes (1986) by supposing that they exist two groups of...
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graduate degrees. Returns to schooling are higher for women; but this gain is more than offset by the large gender wage gap …. The gender wage differential increased over the years especially for younger women and women without higher education …; there is evidence of increased discrimination. Return to experience increased and remained higher for women than for men …
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