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We demonstrate the existence of an optimal, individually rational, and incentive compatible selling mechanism for a multiproduct monopolist facing a market populated by consumers with budget constraints. Our main contribution is to show via examples and our existence result that, in general,...
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We analyze self-selection problem when valuations are non-ordered. The corresponding package-pricing solution has specific graph structure. It is helpful in deriving weak su±cient conditions for both partial e±ciency and Pareto-e±ciency. Unlike the ordered valuations case, Pareto e±ciency is...
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This paper analyzes the optimal choice of pricing schedules and technological deterrence levels in a market with digital piracy, when legal sellers can sometimes control the extent of piracy by implementing digital rights management (DRM) systems. It is shown that the seller's optimal pricing...
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This paper analyzes optimal pricing for information goods under incomplete information, when both unlimited-usage (fixed-fee) pricing and usage-based pricing are feasible, and administering usage-based pricing may involve transaction costs. It is shown that offering fixed- fee pricing in...
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We make three contributions to the theory of contracting under asymmetric information. First, we establish a competitive analog to the revelation principle which we call the implementation principle. This principle provides a complete characterization of all incentive compatible, indirect...
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- selection is neither unambigously realted to efficiency nor to the degree of monopoly power (demand elasticity). We also show …
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industry’s financial performance, efficiency and quality of service (though it does not attempt to benchmark private hospitals …
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efficiency in different countries and under alternative policy approaches. The key findings are as follows. First, strong scale … subsidisation was also evident in a survey of thirty-one payment systems. Second, the minimalist approach was more efficiency … important policy tools that the central bank may adopt to improve the technical and economic efficiency of payment systems. …
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The aim of this paper is to determine the potential profitability of technical analysis applied on the foreign exchange market. Eight simple rules of trading are tested in five markets. Only long positions are tracked and reported. When neither commissions nor indexation are included in the...
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performance of 18 Islamic banks over the period 1997-2000. Unlike previous studies, this paper is based on efficiency measurement … slight inefficiencies during the global crisis 1998-9. Efficiency differences across the sample data appear to be mainly …
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