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This paper generalizes previous existence results on unidimensional electoral competition, by extending the traditional two-party electoral game to the case where parties have mixed motivations, in the sense that they are interested in winning the election, but also in the policy implemented...
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Election finances are usually lightly regulated in emerging democracies. As these democracies mature they seek to impose campaign spending limits, limits on contributions, and disclosure laws. The present paper reviews the experience with such laws in the United States and Canada and contrasts...
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We propose a model of portfolio selection under ambiguity, based on a two-stage valuation procedure which disentangles … ambiguity and ambiguity aversion. The model does not imply 'extreme pessimism' from the part of the investor, as multiple priors …
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¡°government-bank-firm¡±, we show that the government¡¯s non-commitment and banking bailout cause inefficiency in the contact … relationship. Moreover, after introducing collusion possibility, non-commitment of the government increases the stakes, or bribes … other equilibrium where she sticks to her commitment and excludes collusion from the contract relationship. Here, collusion …
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-announced schedule de facto acts as a commitment not to adjust in intermediate periods. We find that at short horizons gains from such … commitment outweigh welfare costs of central bank's inaction. Second, we solve for the optimal frequency of policy adjustment and …
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degrees of credibility, in which commitment and discretion become special cases of what we call quasi commitment. The monetary … policy authority is assumed to formulate optimal commitment plans, to be tempted to renege on them, and to succumb to this … from commitment accrue at relatively low levels of credibility. In our benchmark calibration, a commitment expected to last …
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simple experimental market do not lose their commitment power in the presence of noise. The present note shows that it is the …
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We review the recent work on interest rate setting, which emphasizes the desirability of designing policy to ensure stability under private agent learning. Appropriately designed expectations based rules can yield optimal rational expectations equilibria that are both determinate and stable...
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We study the value of commitment in contests and tournaments when there are costs for the follower to observe the … itself. We show that this distinction matters significantly: When observation is costly, the value of commitment vanishes … tournaments, the value of commitment is preserved completely, provided that the observation costs are sufficiently small. …
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. While temptation is commonly understood to give rise to a demand for commitment, it is shown that `temptation by future …
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