Showing 1 - 10 of 35
that involve only observable random variables. This suggests parametric, semiparametric and nonparametric strategies for …
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The diffusion of health care technology is influenced by both the total market share of managed care organizations as well as the level of competition among them. This paper differentiates between HMO penetration and competition and examines their relationship to the adoption of cardiac...
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We estabilsh the relationships between certain Bayesian and classical approaches to instrumental variables regression. We determine the form of priors that lead to posteriors for structural paameters that have similar properties as classical 2SLS and LIML and in doing so provide some new insight...
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possible endogeneity of the intervention of interest, without suffering the problems of the intention-to-treat method. We … develop an estimatiom procedure that collapses to the linear Rank Estimation procedure for GAFT models with only exogenous …
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In this paper we consider the problem of making inference on a structural parameter in instrumental variables regression when the instruments are only weakly correlated with the endogenous explanatory variables. Adopting a local-to-zero assumption as in Staiger and Stock (1994) on the...
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We investigate confidence intervals and inference for the instrumental variables model with weak instruments. Wald-based confidence intervals perform poorly in that the probability they reject the null is far greater than their nominal size. In the worst case, Wald-based confidence intervals...
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It is now well known that standard asymptotic inference techniques for instrumental variable estimation perform very … regions. In addition to providing improved inference for instrumental variable estimation, the technique suggested here may be …
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We study the effect of fertility on labor supply in Argentina and Mexico exploiting a source of exogenous variability in family size first introduced by Angrist and Evans (1998) for the United States. Our results constitute the first external validation of the estimates obtained for the US....
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In an environment where children's time has an economic value and employment opportunities for educated workers are scarce, parental investments in their children's education may not be driven entirely by poverty and credit constraints. We offer evidence that children's participation in child...
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This paper examines the channels through which education affects household earnings in environments where wages are unobserved. Utilizing data from rural Peru, the empirical strategy decomposes the earnings returns to education into various wage-dependent and labour supply parameters. Geographic...
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