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, or, as colored visualization shows but not black-and-white, its pitchfork bifurcation branches 'bang-bang' switch between …
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We show that an asymptotic envy-freeness is a necessary condition for a form of robust approximate implementation in …
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bargain through some extensive game form. We take an implementation approach, characterizing the possible allocation rules …
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We study the optimal design of the rules of trade in a two-period market given that agents arrive at different times and may only trade with agents present contemporaneously. First period agents face a fixed cost of trading across periods, and their decisions of whether or not to trade in the...
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This paper studies efficient and egalitarian allocations over a single heterogeneous and infinitely divisible good. We prove the existence of such allocations using only measure-theoretic arguments. Under the additional assumption of complete information, we identify a sufficient condition on...
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We analyze self-selection problem when valuations are non-ordered. The corresponding package-pricing solution has specific graph structure. It is helpful in deriving weak su±cient conditions for both partial e±ciency and Pareto-e±ciency. Unlike the ordered valuations case, Pareto e±ciency is...
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the implementation of rulings. Against this background, it is puzzling that the specific WTO procedure which deals with … allegedly insufficient implementation is used only in about one third of the cases where the need for implementation has arisen …. Yet, a closer look at the where implementation has allegedly occurred can partly resolve this puzzle: The defendant …
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We measure the loss potential of Hedge Funds by combining three market risk measures: VaR, Draw-Down and Time Under-The-Water. Calculations are carried out considering three different frameworks regarding Hedge Fund returns: i) Normality and time-independence, ii) Non-normality and time-...
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hedge funds performance using various asset-pricing models, including an extension form of Carhart's (1997) model combined …, Equity non- Hedge and Sector funds. We analyse the performance of ehdge funds and the persistence in performance for … calculations for several individual hedge fund strategies. We showed there is a proof of persistence in performance in some cases …
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Hedge Fund Performance and Persistence in Bull and Bear Markets DANIEL P.J. CAPOCCI University of Liege - Economics …, Business Administration and Social Sciences A. CORHAY University of Liege - Department of Financial Management; University of … paper tests the performance of 2894 hedge funds in a time period that encompasses unambiguously bullish and bearish trends …
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