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L’objet de ce papier est de tenter de se prononcer sur la «part de responsabilité» de la variabilité du taux de change du DH dans la régression des exportations marocaines du secteur des industries de Textile-Habillement et Cuir.
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This paper analyses the determinants of happiness in seven Eastern European transition countries during the early phase of economic transition. The analysis of representative survey data in an ordered logit model shows that those core socio-demographic and economic variables known to be relevant...
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Utilising panel data for 14 East European transition economies, we find support for the hypothesis that a greater degree of export variety relative to the U.S. helps to explain relative per capita GDP levels. The empirical work relies upon some direct measures of product variety calculated from...
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This paper examines the relevance of the monetary approach for exchange rate behaviour in India, unde rthe managed float regime. It finds supprot for purchaisng power parity in traded goods and that the monetary approach provdies a reasonable description of exchange rate behaviour in the period...
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This paper tests for mean-reversion in real exchange rates for India during the recent (managed) float period yield evidence of mean- reversion in the real exchange rate series constructed with the consumer price index as deflator as well as for a series constructed using the ratio of wholesale...
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This study proposes an alternative procedure for modelling exchange rates behaviour, which is a linear combination of a long-run function and a short-run function. Our procedure involves modelling of the long- run relationship and this is followed by the short-run function. Among all the...
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This study addresses the question of whether exchange rate changes have any significant and direct impact on trade balance. By examining the trade balances between ASEAN-5 countries and Japan for the sample period from 1986 to 1999, this study found that the role of exchange rate changes in...
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Using nonlinear unit root tests developed by Kapetanios et al. (2003), we find strong evidence that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Wholesale Price Index (WPI) based Malaysian Ringgit – U.S. Dollar (MYR/USD) real exchange rates are nonlinear stationary, implying that MYR/USD nominal...
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Using nonlinear unit root tests developed by Kapetanios et al. (2003), we find strong evidence that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Wholesale Price Index (WPI) based Malaysian Ringgit – U.S. Dollar (MYR/USD) real exchange rates are nonlinear stationary, implying that MYR/USD nominal...
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Historically linked by geography, trade, and culture, border areas of the United States and Mexico are becoming even more closely integrated by the elimination of trade and investment barriers under the North American Free Trade Agreement. Greater economic integration raises the question of...
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