Showing 1 - 10 of 44
Theoretical models of urban growth are surveyed in a common framework. Exogenous growth models, where growth in some capital stock as a function of investment is assumed, are examined first. Then endogenous growth models, where use of some factor by a firm increases the productivity of other...
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The study of the territorial/regional development in Spain has nowadays a relatively long tradition, but from the point of view of cities development the number of studies and documents decreases drastically. This paper tries to improve the knowledge of the Spanish urban system. The aim of this...
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The city size distribution of many countries is remarkably well approximated by a Pareto distribution. We study what constraints this regularity imposes on standard urban models. We find that under general conditions urban models must have (i) a balanced growth path and (ii) a Pareto...
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This paper evaluates 'new economic geography' theory by comparing it with a competing non-nested model derived from urban economics. Using bootstrap inference and the J-test, the paper shows that while NEG theory is supported by the data, it needs to be modified to achieve this, and it is not...
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The transportation system is a fundamental component of the urban economic development, with its generating feature of negative supply externalities standing out (and, as a result, of the satisfied demand for some kind of this supply’s structure) related to congestion and environmental...
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This chapter examines the hedonic analysis of housing markets. These techniques have been widely applied in studies of the demand for housing attributes and environmental amenities. The chapter discusses the theoretical foundation of such analysis, the use of hedonic estimates of demand for...
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The interest rate and the rate of economic growth are often regarded as roughly constant as economies grow. Moreover, the agricultural sector and rural population typically shrink. We show that an otherwise standard growth model that includes a backward and an advanced sector can account for...
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The paper analyzes the spreading of population in Indonesia. The spreading of population in Indonesia is clustered in two regional terms, i.e.: kabupaten and kotamadya. It is interestingly found that the rank in all kabupaten respect to the population does not have fat tail properties, while in...
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convergencia regional en México y aborda los fundamentos teóricos y empíricos en el cual las instituciones juegan un papel … importante en el proceso de integración regional en México y en especial en la frontera norte. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis … empírico de la convergencia regional de largo plazo para los estados de México, introduciendo una variable de corrupción dentro …
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This paper addresses the recent Mexico experience in the opening to competition in networks infrastructure mainly in …
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