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This article looks at the effects of office mechanisation in greater detail by describing data processing innovations in major building societies during the dawn of the computer era. Reference to similar developments in clearing banks, industrial and computer organisations provides evidence as...
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The present paper is structured around two main constructions, fixed points of functors and fibrations and sections of functors. Fixed points of functors are utilized to resolve problems of infinite regress that have recently appeared in economics. Fibrations and sections are utilized to model...
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In this paper we argue that pricing is all about price changes, and that the costs of price changes are often simultaneously subtle and substantial. We discuss a framework to deal with the dynamics of changing prices. This framework incorporates customer interpretations of price changes, an...
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The study presents an analysis of the stochastic nature of the gross domestic product of Mexico for the period 1900-2001. Several specifications to test for the existence of unit roots are presented. The conventional tests, Dickey Fuller, Augmented Dickey Fuller and Phillips Perron, indicate...
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Vector autoregressions are used to model price transmission through the coffee processing chain, from producers to the world market and from the world market to consumers. A comparison is made of price dynamics against a backdrop of two very different market structures: pre-1989, producers...
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We analyze self-selection problem when valuations are non-ordered. The corresponding package-pricing solution has specific graph structure. It is helpful in deriving weak su±cient conditions for both partial e±ciency and Pareto-e±ciency. Unlike the ordered valuations case, Pareto e±ciency is...
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El presente documento realiza un análisis del negocio del Gas Natural en Bolivia y de sus posibles impactos en las recaudaciones, exportaciones y el Producto Interno Bruto. Las principales conclusiones sugieren que, el sector de hidrocarburos se perfila como uno de los pilares para el...
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This is a new aproach for faster development of Montenegro.
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Asymmetric pricing is the phenomenon where prices rise more readily than they fall. We articulate, and provide empirical support for, a theory of asymmetric pricing in wholesale prices. In particular, we show how wholesale prices may be asymmetric in the small but symmetric in the large, when...
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The literature on costs of price adjustment has long argued that changing prices is a complex and costly process. In fact, some authors have suggested that we should think of firms’ price-setting activities as “producing” prices, similar to the way firms use production processes to produce...
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