Showing 1 - 10 of 58
Resumen El presente estudio se centra en analizar los factores que provocan el éxodo de capital en México, entre los que se incluyen: el saldo en cuenta corriente, el grado de sobrevaluación de la moneda, el diferencial en las tasas de interés entre México y Estados Unidos y el diferencial...
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This paper looks at the history of money and its modern form from a scientific and mathematical point of view. The approach here is to emphasize simplicity. A straightforward model and algebraic formula for a large economy analogous to the ideal gas law of thermodynamics is proposed. It may be...
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Sumario El estudio utiliza las herramientas de series tiempo como las pruebas de raíz unitaria y corte estructural para analizar las series de los determinantes de la Inversión Extranjera de Cartera (IEC) y la misma IEC. Varias series fueron consideradas para el análisis de la IEC, entre los...
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This paper examines alternative ways to prevent losses from bank insolvencies. It is widely viewed that transparency in reporting bank balance sheets is a key element in reducing such losses. It is, however, unclear just how such transparency would be achieved. Current approaches to avoiding...
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The restrictions dealt with application of traditional methods of the analysis of equities are considered. It is shown that the methods of analysis, which have recommended themselves well in natural sciences, cannot be directly used in financial market study. The objective of this article is to...
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Liberalization of Singapore's financial sector causes its fund management industry to expand rapidly. As of December 1, 1998 there were 191 unit trusts to choose from. Eventually, Singapore, like the USA and Hong Kong, will have more unit trusts than stocks listed on its exchange. Many...
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This paper examines the Malaysian foreign exchange market efficiency for the USD, Singapore dollar, pound, and yen over the 1980:1-1994:12 period by utilizing Johansen-Juselius (JJ) Maximum Likelihood procedure. The bivariate cointegration results show the absence of cointegration among the...
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The noise trader sentiment model of De Long, Shleifer, Summers, and Waldmann (1990a) is applied to futures markets. The theoretical results predict that overly optimistic (pessimistic) noise traders result in market prices that are greater (less) than fundamental value. Thus, returns can be...
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This paper presents a new theoretical framework to analyze=20 financial markets in an international context. We build a two-country=20 macroeconomic model in which agents are risk averse, assets are imperfect=20 substitutes, the number of financial assets is endogenous, and cross-border= =20...
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Hall (1978) theorized that future consumption could be written only as a function of its current consumption. Since this result is known to be wrong in data, we reexamine, from Flavin's original equations (1981), how they may have reached this conclusion. In the Appendix, we derive a generic...
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