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Prevailing trade theory is a neglected stepchild of economics. Micro rejects the sole reason for trade’s occurrence. It declares zero profit in equilibrium. Monetary theory and macroeconomics dismiss concerns of trade financing. They assert that money has nothing to do with traded output, but...
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This paper studies a closed economy with a continuum of agents and moral hazard. Economic agents in the economy operate a stochastic production technology with capital and labor inputs in which the latter is private information. I characterize efficient allocations of capital, labor, and...
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An analytical innovation enhances microeconomics, enabling it to answer all questions of macroeconomics. It combines the production and consumption decisions of the individual in one model. For each individual, it identifies the customers of what he sells, and the suppliers of what he buys. It...
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Keynes (1936) said that shortage of money caused by hoarding or failure to invest led to unemployment, but Lucas (1972) said that money does not affect unemployment. The tables have now turned. Gani (2003) produced a model of indirect trade in which money is necessary as a means of payment....
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Theoretical study identifying one modality with conditions necesary for the financial stabilization of an inherently unstable system; and 5040 other unstable dynamic modes. It draws on knowledge made available by the academic field of Control Engineering.
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Agent heterogeneity has been used in recent economic literature to justify nonlinear dynamics for the time paths of aggregate economic variables. In this paper, the mechanism through which heterogeneous agents leads to chaotic motion is explained. Adding to a system with initial behavior...
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The precedent for solving expectational difference equations has been to solve converging equations backwards and diverging equations forward by assuming the solution is bounded. This precedent often leads to incorrect solutions and has less than rigorous foundations. More rigorous procedures...
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Die Heckscher-Ohlin-Modellierung mit den Faktoren nieder- und höherqualifizierte Arbeitskraft und Arbeitslosigkeit beziehungsweise einem Minimallohn wird einer genaueren Analyse unterzogen und erfährt dabei deutliche Kritik. Anschließend wird ein Ansatz zur Remodellierung der von ihr...
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The elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS) at the macro level has been estimated mostly based on endowment economy models and these estimates are very sensitive to the choice of interest rates that are used for estimation. Estimates based on production economy models do not need...
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