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We examine a recent model, proposed by Hobson and Rogers, which generalizes the classical one by Black and Scholes for pricing derivative securities such as options and futures. We treat the numerical solution of some degenerate partial differential equations governing this financial problem and...
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This paper examines the forecasting performance of GARCH’s models used with agricultural commodities data. We compare different possible sources of forecasting improvement, using various statistical distributions and models. We have chosen to confine our analysis on four indices which are the...
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Estimates of daily volatility are investigated. Realized volatility can be computed from returns observed over time … intervals of different sizes. For simple statistical reasons, volatility estimators based on high-frequency returns have been … volatility bias. On the basis of a simple theoretical model for foreign exchange data, the incoherent term can be filtered away …
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States of the European Union, to test if the same short-run increase in cyclical volatility arising from financial … mature market economies, reduces cyclical volatility both in the short and in the long run. Weak indications are found that …
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importance of the market movements. These indices are based on the price volatility and are computed by integrating mapped asset …
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Volatility of financial markets is an important topic for academics, policy makers and market participants. In this … these specifications. Then assuming that the squared returns are the benchmark estimate for actual volatility of the day, I … compare all of the models with respect to how much efficient they are to mimic the realized volatility. At the same time I …
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, using a bivariate SWARCH model to show the dependence of the high and low volatility states of the IT.CAC on the NASDAQ-100 …, with no intermediate simultaneous high-low volatility states. …
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and volatility of the Shanghai market were higher. The rates of returns in the two markets were approximately serially … uncorrelated and mutually uncorrelated. Volatility, as measured by the absolute change in the rate of return, has positive serially … correlations in both markets as expected, but the autoregressions are temporarily unstable. Most surprisingly the volatility …
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This paper addresses the question if there are differences between time patterns in the volatility of investment across … conjectured, GARCH effects play an important role in some sectors but are not significant in others. Astonishingly, the volatility … determining investment volatility than the macroeconomic environment. …
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