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Riding the yield curve, the fixed-income strategy of purchasing a longer-dated security and selling before maturity …
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A methodology to calibrate multifactor interest rate model for transition countries is proposed. The usual methodology of calibration with implied volatility cannot be used as there are no markets for regularly traded derivatives. The existence of such a markets is essential for this...
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yield curve, ignoring any pricing residuals on the yield curve that are either from model approximations or market … imperfections. In contrast, option pricing in practice often takes the market observed yield curve as given and focuses exclusively … on the specification of the volatility structure of forward rates. Thus, if any errors exist on the observed yield curve …
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modelling international bond markets. We derive necessary conditions for the correlation and volatility structure of mixture … models to accommodate various empirical stylized facts such as the forward premium puzzle and differently shaped yield curves … international bond markets. Further, the empirical results do not support the existence of local factors in the UK-US setting …
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We identify and characterize a class of term structure models where bond yields are quadratic functions of the state …
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We derive discrete markov chain approximations for continuous state equilibrium term structure models. The states and transition probabilities of the markov chain are chosen effciently according to a quadrature rule as in Tauchen and Hussey (1991). Quadrature provides a simple yet method which...
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We investigate whether the same finite dimensional dynamic system spans both interest rates (the yield curve) and … underlying yield curve. While three common factors are adequate to capture the systematic movement of the yield curve, we need …
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yield curve, this paper proposes a framework for studying the impact of shifts in market sentiment on interest rates of all … monetary policy actions contain important information for explaining movements in bond yields. Although perceptions about in … capture the dynamics of the yield curve. Macroeconomic forecasts play an important role in explaining time-variation in the …
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Liquidity traps occur when the natural nominal interest rate becomes negative. In a model with capital price dynamics explicitly considered, we find that shocks in the future can cause current and lasting liquidity traps. We propose that the central bank can prevent or fix liquidity traps by...
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This paper develops and estimates a general equilibrium model for the term structures of nominal and real interest rates that incorporates regime-switching into the dynamics ofthe state variables. The model generates time-varying risk premia via changes in the covariance structure of the state...
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