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vary by strike price (volatility smiles) and maturity (implied volatility of at­the­money options increases, on average … logarithm of the price of the underlying security. In this setting, volatility is approximately a quadratic function of … moneyness, a result we use to infer skewness and kurtosis from volatility smiles. Evidence suggests that both kurtosis in …
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claims do not require the full range of the volatility matrix. Under some additional continuity conditions, the conceptual …
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Current Monte Carlo pricing engines may face computational challenge for the Greeks, because of not only their time consumption but also their poor convergence when using a finite difference estimate with a brute force perturbation. The same story may apply to conditional expectation. In this...
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Interest-rate derivative models governed by parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) are studied with discrete-time recombining binomial trees. For the Buehler-Kaesler discount-bond model, the expiration value of the bond is a limit point of tree sites. Representative calculations give a...
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on the specification of the volatility structure of forward rates. Thus, if any errors exist on the observed yield curve … the cap implied volatility. Incorporating the three residual factors improves the explained variance in cap implied … volatility to over 95 percent. We investigate the reasons behind the ``amplification'' of yield curve residuals in pricing …
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This paper presented a new technique for the simulation of the Greeks (i.e. price sensitivities to parameters), efficient for strongly discontinuous payo¤ options. The use of Malliavin calculus, by means of an integration by parts, enables to shift the differentiation operator from the payo¤...
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distributions retain their shape, but not their localization (mean ) or size (volatility ) as the classical Gaussian distributions … time T and frequency . For example, the volatility of the lognormal financial price distribution, derived from the … generally, the volatility of the price return distributions of Calvet and Fisher's (2002) Multifractal Model for Asset Returns …
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A valuation model is presented for options on stocks for which Black- Scholes arbitrage does not entirely eliminate risk. The price dynamics of a portfolio of options and the underlying security is quantified by requiring that the excess reward-to-risk ratio of the portfolio be identical to that...
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We extend the credit risk valuation framework introduced by Gatfaoui (2003) to stochastic volatility models. We state a …-known volatility smile along with two documented determinants, namely stochastic volatility and market risk. Under some regularity … conditions, we specify diffusion functionals leading to an asymptotically (relative to time) mean reverting volatility process …
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This paper develops a new computational approach for general multi- factor Markovian interest rate models. The early exercise premium is derived for general American options. The option cash flows are decomposed into fast and slowly varying components. The fast components are option independent...
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