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This paper proposes a model of how agents adjust their asset holdings in response to losses in general equilibrium. By emphasising the relation between deflation and financial distress, we capture some original features of the early debt-deflation literature, such as distress selling,...
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excess leverage and excess capital stock and also reveal signs of corporate inertia. This inertia has been evident not only …
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After experiencing high and persistent inflation for more than two decades, Turkey is entering a period of single-digit inflation again. Following a summary of the macroeconomic developments occurred since early 1970s, this paper attempts to survey the empirical literature both on the dynamics...
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repeated games if a full dimensionality condition holds. A critical feature of the model is the inertia in decisions. We show … how the inertia in asynchronous decisions determines the set of equilibrium payoffs. …
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The terms of reference for the inquiry on First Home Ownership asked the Commission to evaluate the affordability and availability of housing for first home buyers. The Commission’s preliminary findings were released for public comment in December. In its final assessment, the Commission...
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In April 2001 Swiss banks held over CHF 500 billion in mortgages. This important segment accounts for about 63\% of all … the loan portfolios of Swiss banks. In this paper we restrict our attention to residential mortgages held by private …
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In this paper we reconcile two opposing views about the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption (EIS). Empirical studies using aggregate consumption data typically find that the EIS is close to zero (Hall, 1988). Calibrated models designed to match growth and fluctuations facts...
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years. A very sharp rise in the inequality in household wealth has taken place at least since the mid-1980s. I first examine … have contributed to the recent secular decline in household savings. Throughout, this research relies on two longitudinal … surveys that have pioneered the incorporation of household wealth modules into multipurpose social science surveys: the Panel …
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There are two phenomena widely observed when an economy departs from an underdeveloped state and starts rapid economic growth. One is the shift of production, employment, and consumption from the traditional sector to the modern sector, and the other is a large increase in educational levels of...
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This paper investigates the quantitative importance of different savings motives on the distributions of wealth and consumption and aggregate capital accumulation by solving an overlapping generations model with intragenerational heterogeneity. Agents differ in age, ability, earnings shocks, and...
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