Showing 1 - 10 of 18
frictionless. The main result is that a price process is arbitrage free (or, equivalently, compatible with some equilibrium) if and … by arbitrage follows from there. Contingent claims can be priced by taking their expected value with respect to an … equivalent martingale measure. If this value is unique, the claim is said to be priced by arbitrage. The new probabilities can be …
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. Our approach leads to an interval of admissible prices much better than the arbitrage pricing interval. …
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Random Boolean Network has been used to find out regulation patterns of genes in organism. This approach is very interesting to use in a game such as N-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma. Here we assume that agent’s action is influenced by input in the form of choices of cooperate or defect she...
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Experimental results on the ultimatum game show clearly that (1) large fractions of players offer a 'fair' allocation and (2) that unfair (but positive) offers are systematically rejected. We offer an explanation of this behavior using the 'indirect evolutionary approach' which is based on the...
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We present a simple model of spatial evolution that avoids several problems that arise with more complex networks of players. We consider a world where pairs of players are matched forever. These players learn from the whole population but they are more likely to learn to strategies used by...
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We introduce a generalized theoretical approach to study imitation models and subject the models to rigorous experimental testing. In our theoretical analysis we find that the different predictions of previous imitation models are due to different informational assumptions, not to different...
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An extension of the idea of state tameness is presented in a dynamic framework. The proposed model for financial markets is rich enough to provide analytical tools that are mostly obtained in models that arise as the solution of SDEs with deterministic coefficients. In the presented model the...
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This article examines arbitrage investment in a mispriced asset when the mispricing follows the Ornstein …
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If co-existing parallel markets are efficient, then arbitrage will maintain a correct pricing relationship. A related … (with transaction costs), in which price differences are studied using levels of arbitrage activity. For the empirical …-the-counter system). In particular, we study the degree of arbitrage activity for different segments of the PSE and the evolution of …
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The modelling of financial markets presents a problem which is both theoretically challenging and practically important. The theoretical aspects concern the issue of market efficiency which may even have political implications, whilst the practical side of the problem has clear relevance to...
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