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It's commonly known that the correlation between stocks increases during market turbulent periods. In this work we propose a modellization of this feature, viewed as a collective effect, rearranging a toy-model first proposed in 2001. Equities are modelled as quasi random walk variables, where...
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We analyze a problem of maximization of expected terminal wealth and consumption under constraints in a general framework including financial models with constrained portfolios, labor income and large investor models. By using general optional decomposition under constraints in a multiplicative...
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We analyze a problem of maximization of expected terminal wealth and consumption in markets with some ``imperfection'', such as constraints on the permitted portfolios, labor income, or/and nonlinearity of portfolio dynamics. By using general optional decomposition under constraints in...
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We consider optimization problems involving convex risk functions. By employing techniques of convex analysis and optimization theory in vector spaces of measurable functions we develop new representation theorems for risk models, and optimality and duality theory for problems involving risk...
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We introduce an axiomatic definition of a conditional convex risk mapping. By employing the techniques of conjugate duality we derive properties of conditional risk mappings. In particular, we prove a representation theorem for conditional risk mappings in terms of conditional expectations. We...
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We analyze general stochastic optimization financial problems under constraints in a general framework, which includes financial models with some ``imperfection'', such as constrained portfolios, labor income, random endowment and large investor models. By using general optional decomposition...
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In this paper we analyse disinflation policy in two environments. In the first, the central bank has perfect knowledge, in the sense that it understands and observes the process by which private sector inflation expectations are generated; in the second, the central bank has to learn the private...
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We may distinguish between two concepts of technology: a theoretical level of technology (that is, a technology possibilities frontier) and a level of technology in practice (that is, ready to use in production technology). Having these two concepts in mind, the paper develops an intertemporal...
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In the contest of environmental management, the problem of minimizing the expected cost due to random checking processes and a possible failure is here addressed. Non-homogeneous Poisson checking processes with continuous non-decreasing intensity are considered, leading to the explicit detection...
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This paper studies optimal experimentation by a monopolist who faces an unknown demand curve subject to random changes, and who maximises profits over an infinite horizon in continuous time. We show that there are two qualitatively very different regimes, determined by the discount rate and the...
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