Showing 1 - 10 of 37
operators. Second, a problem of moral hazard is revealed, which is able to appear through the implementation of franchising …
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franchising schemes with independent divisions. This is particularly interesting because it can be applied to several industries …
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of a simultaneous equations structural model connecting macro and microeconomic (market) variables with accounting …
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Instead of relying on accounting principles and illustrative accounting examples, this paper examines the rationale for … under ESOs’ expense-postponing function, it is not under the employee-stimulating function. In practice, ESOs’ risk …
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condition its effective independence. Vulnerability may be real or accounting based. However, no matter its origin … paper analyses in the context of simple VAR model the interplay between capitalization, accounting rules and dividend … distribution. This analysis is preceded by a thorough discussion of the risk return profile of central banks net return on assets …
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Proper monetary accounting rules are: (1) Central Banks should conform to the practice of the US Federal Reserve to …
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promising ones. To do so, I applied the Business Cycle Accounting procedure developed by V V Chari, Ellen R McGrattan and …
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now that the model has become an auto-nomous, unreflected item in international accounting standards and law allowing … "creative" accounting. There is no economial relation between the future value of an underlying and it's current volatility …
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This paper presents some stylised facts about the book-tax gap, i.e. the difference between book and taxable income, of Italian corporations. This divergence is a reflection of the usage of any tax shields and any applicable credits and rebates which, in turn, implies that the concept of taxable...
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We measure the loss potential of Hedge Funds by combining three market risk measures: VaR, Draw-Down and Time Under … results clearly state that market risk may be substantially underestimated by those models which assume Normality or, even … considering Non-Normality, neglect to model time- dependence. Moreover, VaR is an incomplete measure of market risk whenever the …
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