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We use data on wages and rents in different U.S. cities to assess the amenity effects on production and consumption of cultural diversity as measured by diversity of countries of birth of city residents. We show that US-born citizens living in metropolitan areas where the share of foreign-born...
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Recent economic growth theory has suggested that wealth differences across nations must be due, at least in part, to the failure in many places to adopt existing production techniques. There are many potential reasons for the failure to adopt existing technology, including the political clout of...
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The paper presents a three period model that studies the eects of IMF loans on borrowers’ and lenders’ welfare highlighting the fact that the IMF has both de jure and de facto seniority rights over private creditors. It is shown that an IMF intervention affects borrowers and...
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This paper carries out a comparative analysis of the inflation effects on relative price variability (RPV) in two economies with a inflationary experiences clearly different: Argentina and Spain. The results indicate non-neutrality of inflation, particularly in extreme inflation. The main...
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The effects of inflation on real wage dispersion and welfare are studied in a cash-in-advance economy with a Walrasian goods market but a labor market with search friction. In the labor market, firms post wages and both employed and unemployed workers search among the posted wages. In...
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This paper presents an accumulation-driven growth model where investment depends on public policy which in turn depends on economically important fundamentals. It is argued that conditioning on factor accumulation in growth regressions that also include policy variables may be problematic. When...
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The recent literature on “convergence� of cross-country per capita incomes has been dominated by two competing hypotheses: “global convergence� and “club-convergence�. This debate has recently relied on the study of limiting...
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In this paper, I study the welfare properties of growth models with endogenous innovation, knowledge externalities, and monopoly pricing of new goods. Since useful policy prescriptions cannot be inferred from a balanced growth analysis, welfare is analyzed for transition paths. I provide a...
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If firm sizes have a small dispersion, microeconomic shocks lead to negligible aggregate fluctuations. This has led economists to appeal to macroeconomic (sectoral or aggregate shocks) shocks to explain aggregate fluctuations. However, the empirical distribution of firms is fat-tailed. This...
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Empirical evidences tell us that in the recent years the expansion period is increased with reduction of the contraction period in the U.S. business cycles. Moreover, the business cycles in the United States also show the trend to be moderated with recent economic growth induced and supported by...
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