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This paper models the supply of perishable goods within a randon framework. Perishability affects a large group of goods usually traded in the economy such as fruits and vegetables, newspapers, medicine drugs, a.s.o.. Surprisingly, one cannot find in the literature a decision model for suppliers...
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A "dispersion" specifies the relative probability between any two elements of a finite domain. It thereby partitions the domain into equivalence classes separated by infinite relative probability. The paper's novelty is to numerically represent not only the order of the equivalence classes, but...
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We provide two, new simple proofs of Afriat's celebrated theorem..
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The assumption of internationally identical factor intensity techniques may be one of the major causes of the HOV model's poor performance. To relax this assumption, detailed input-output data are required to compute the factor intensity techniques used in different countries; however, these...
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We introduce technological differences in a Heckscher-Ohlin model and study how the technology and endowment differences interact to determine the effects of trade on factor prices. When the endowment effect is dominant in determining the autarky relative factor prices, the relative factor...
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This paper considers trade in an asymmetric 2x2x2 world, the two countries being labelled America and Europe. In America, the labor market is perfectly competitive, with flexible wages ensuring full employment. Europe faces unemployment due to efficiency wages. We derive the conditions for there...
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We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of symmetric equilibrium without ties in common values auctions, with multidimensional independent types and no monotonic assumptions. When the conditions are not satisfied, we are still able to prove the existence of pure strategy...
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In this paper we characterize the optimal allocation mechanism for $N$ objects, (permits), to $I$ potential buyers, (firms). Firms' payoffs depend on their costs, the costs of competitors and on the final allocation of the permits, allowing for externalities, substitutabilities and...
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Sellers benefit on average from revealing information about their goods to buyers, but the incentive to exaggerate undermines the credibility of seller statements. When multiple goods are being auctioned, we show that ordinal cheap talk, which reveals a complete or partial ordering of the...
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Within the independent private-values paradigm, we derive the data-generating process of the winning bid for the last unit sold at sequential English auctions when bidder valuations are draws from one of several different classes of distributions; i.e., in the presence of asymmetries. When the...
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