Showing 1 - 10 of 52
We investigate the relationship between exports and productivity in the Turkish apparel and motor vehicle and parts industries from 1990-1996, using two different models for plant-level panel data. In the first model, we examine the effect of past export status on current productivity both with...
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In this paper alternative approaches for testing the unit root hypothesis in panel data are considered. First, a robust version of the Dickey-Fuller t-statistic under contemporaneous correlated errors is suggested. Second, the GLS t-statistic is considered, which is based on the t-statistic of...
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We examine the question of which household members should consume medical services, and in what quantities, by using Japanese household-level data. We employ two key concepts, health risk and income risk, and investigate whether family heads or dependents bear these risks. Health risk is the...
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In health economics and health care planning, the observation that age cohorts are generally positively correlated with per capita health expenditures is often cited as evidence that population ageing is the main driver of health care costs. Several recent studies, however, challenge this view....
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This paper proposes a test for the existence of placebo effects, as described by the so-called expectancy theory. This theory, which is the dominant medical theory of how placebo effects operate, posits that health outcomes rise in individuals' beliefs about the probability that they are getting...
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The Australian government implemented several new policy initiatives during 1997--2000, with the stated aim of raising the take-up rate of private health insurance. Taken together, these policy initiatives were quite effective, the proportion of the population with private health insurance cover...
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Foreign Direct Investment has become an important source of long-term capital inflows for less developed countries in the last two decades. As documented in previous literature, FDI flows may increase permanently domestic output and represent an important source of technological spillovers for...
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Three basic mechanisms are behind the statistical relationship between fertility decisions and labor force participation decisions. 1) Causal direct effect: the time spent in child-care reduces the labor market effort leading to a temporary drop in post-birth labor force participation. 2) Causal...
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Studies on growth performance and catch-up and convergence of countries require and make extensive use of internationally and temporally comparable data on real gross domestic product (GDP) expressed in a common currency unit. The International Comparison Program (ICP), a project supported by...
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We propose a novel estimator for the stochastic discount factor (SDF) in a panel-data context. Under general conditions it depends exclusively on appropriate averages of asset returns, and its computation is a direct exercise, as long as one has enough observations to our asymptotic results. We...
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