Showing 1 - 10 of 45
Three basic mechanisms are behind the statistical relationship between fertility decisions and labor force … a correlation between participation and fertility decisions throughout lifetime. They may further induce differences in … disentangles these three mechanisms and evaluates their relative importance. Sequential participation and fertility decisions are …
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This paper examines empirically the impact of reproductive externalities on fertility behaviour in one developing …
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This paper offers a theoretical and empirical analysis of child labor, schooling, and `idleness' (neither work nor school), with particular emphasis on the roles of child ability and credit constraints in determining these decisions. We show theoretically that `idleness' may be chosen optimally...
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This paper explores the role of life expectancy as a determinant of educational attainment and fertility, both during … similar effects -- or may only affect fertility -- depending on the nature of the costs of raising children. This setup can … explain both the demographic transition and the recent behavior of fertility in ``post-demographic transition'' countries …
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This study contains evidence on the importance of chronic disease burden on human-capital and fertility decisions in … present study shows that this increase in human capital was accompanied by a fertility decrease that was both economically and … statistically significant. A decline in the hookworm infection rate from 40 to 20% is associated with a decline in fertility that …
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This paper develops and implements a practical simulation-based method for estimating dynamic discrete choice models. The method, which can accommodate lagged dependent variables, serially correlated errors, unobserved variables, and many alternatives, builds on the ideas of indirect inference....
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We examine in this paper the role of an economy's social interaction structure, defined as a graph. Individuals care about the decisions of their neighbors. We extend the behavioral discrete-response rules along the lines of the interactive discrete choice model of Brock and Durlauf (2001) to...
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Recent terrorist attacks such as the attacks on the World Trade Centre in September 2001 have generated new interest in the debate on capital punishment. It has been suggested that support for the death penalty could be higher in the wake of terrorist activity. Using data from the Australian...
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Valuation of the benefits from the preservation of water resources is often of interest to policy makers and funding institutions. In developing countries, valuation studies are potentially useful for designing funding policies when inequality is a concern. To fulfil this goal, however,...
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This paper presents Bayesian methodology for the estimation of a bivariate probit model with an endogenous effect and both parametric linear and flexible semiparametric exogenous effects. The model is prompted by an analysis of the utilisation of health services in Australia using data from the...
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