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In this paper, we examine whether industry-level forecasts of CPI and PPI inflation can be improved using the …, which should be manifested, possibly with a lag, in both producer and consumer prices. We build a forecasting model based on … a two or three equation system involving CPI and PPI inflation where the effects of the exchange rate and import prices …
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hampering efforts at prediction. In this paper, we present a unified framework for forecasting the global electronics cycle by … indicators. An evaluation of their relative accuracy suggests that the VAR model's forecasting performance is superior to that of …
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regression model and provide asymptotic justification for the bagging predictor. A simulation study shows that bagging tends to … produce large reductions in the out-of-sample prediction mean squared error and provides a useful alternative to forecasting … greatly redcues the prediction mean squared error of forecasts of U.S. CPI inflation at horizons of one month and one year …
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The Stock--Watson coincident index and its subsequent extensions assume a static linear one-factor model for the component indicators. Such assumption is restrictive in practice, however, with as few as four indicators. In fact, such assumption is unnecessary if one poses the index construction...
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accommodates the time dependence structure in the time series data. A straightforward forecasting model using the independent … factors is then compared with the forecasting models using the principal components in Stock and Watson (2002). The results of … compression. Whether the ICA method is superior over the principal component method in forecasting the U.S. real output and …
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We propose a new model for the variance between multiple time series, the Regime Switching Dynamic Correlation. We decompose the covariances into correlations and standard deviations and the correlation matrix follow a regime switching model; it is constant within a regime but different across...
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-of-sample (testing sample) observations in order to evaluate the “goodness-of-fit†of the forecasting model both analytically, as well … as through simulation exercises. Monte Carlo studies revealed that the proposed test has good size and power properties …
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This paper presents a rigurous framework for evaluating alternative forecasting methods for Chilean industrial … production and sales. While nonlinear features appear to be important for forecasting the very short term, simple univariate … linear models perform about as well for almost every forecasting horizon …
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Recent empirical evidence suggests that the weekend and holiday calendar effects are much stronger and statistically significant in volatility as opposed to expected returns. This paper seeks an explanation for this empirical finding by undertaking a comprehensive investigation of the predictive...
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Survey data on expectations frequently find evidence that forecasts are biased, rejecting the joint hypothesis of rational expectations and symmetric loss. While the literature has attempted to explain this bias through forecasters' strategic behavior, we propose a simpler explanation based on...
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