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useful in applications such as portfolio analytics or macro simulation involving several control variables. In this paper we …
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and the results of two policy simulations are compared and contrasted. The principal source of simulation differences is …
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An indirect estimator is proposed for two long memory volatility models; the fractionally integrated generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (FIGARCH) model and the long memory stochastic volatility (LMSV) model. The small sample properties of the indirect estimator are...
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underlying Lorenz curves, we propose the use of two computer based procedures for conducting inference. The first is a simulation …
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it pays the union during the negotiation of a new wage contract. To understand this regulation, we study a counterfactual … negotiation model where the firm can temporarily increase compensation to its employees during wage negotiations. Comparing this …
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account of structural aspects implied by the learning process. In the most general specification, earnings residuals have a … structures, including the martingale hypothesis implied by the learning process. I find considerable support for the matching …
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Consumption is partly a social activity, yet most studies of consumer behavior treat households in isolation. We investigate familial relationships in consumption patterns using a sample of parents and their children from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. We find a positive and statistically...
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The paper studies a learning model in which information about a worker's ability can be acquired symmetrically by the … tasks, provide a sufficiently accurate measure of ability. We then examine the strategic effects of the dynamics of learning …
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theory of learning and job design, and empirically test this theory using a unique firm-level data set. Our model departs … from the existing literature on learning and sorting by recognizing that the information content of jobs may differ and …
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