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We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of symmetric equilibrium without ties in common values auctions, with multidimensional independent types and no monotonic assumptions. When the conditions are not satisfied, we are still able to prove the existence of pure strategy...
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In this paper we characterize the optimal allocation mechanism for $N$ objects, (permits), to $I$ potential buyers, (firms). Firms' payoffs depend on their costs, the costs of competitors and on the final allocation of the permits, allowing for externalities, substitutabilities and...
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particular form of corruption on bidding behavior in a single-object, private-value auction with risk-neutral bidders. Bidders … type of collusion between a dishonest rival and the auctioneer. In a first price auction, an honest bidder can become more …
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This paper analyzes bidding behavior in a multi period multiple unit auction. While bidders are ex ante symmetric, the …
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When a partnership comes to an end partners have to determine the terms of the dissolution. A well known way to do so is by enforcing a buy/sell option. Under its rules one partner has to offer a price for the partnership and the other agent can choose whether she wants to sell her share or buy...
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We consider a model where bidders in an auction own passive partial claims over their rivals’ auction profits. While …-value auction, we find that such cross ownership has an effect similar to reducing the number of bidders while holding constant the … distribution of the highest value in the auction. A similar decrease in competition occurs in independent private-value second …
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We consider competitive bidding for a business license, via an open ascending-price auction, between two symmetric …
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Internet auctions on eBay and Yahoo allow sellers to list their auctions with a Buy-Now option. In such auctions the … seller sets a buy price at which a bidder may purchase the item immediately and end the auction. In the eBay version of a buy …-now auction, the buy-now option disappears as soon as a bid is placed, while in the Yahoo version the buy-now option remains in …
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Congress enacted The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 over the protests of small business advocates who claimed that the ADA would trigger a wave of bankruptcies. Although the profitability of firms may suffer from the costs of ADA compliance, no systematic evidence is available on the...
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Sellers benefit on average from revealing information about their goods to buyers, but the incentive to exaggerate undermines the credibility of seller statements. When multiple goods are being auctioned, we show that ordinal cheap talk, which reveals a complete or partial ordering of the...
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