Showing 1 - 10 of 86
Surveys of Australian superannuation funds verify that most international bond holdings, but not equity holdings, are hedged for currency risk. We compare the mean-variance efficiency of this practice with two alternative strategies: a conventional forward hedge; and a selective hedge triggered...
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Using the firm-level data set, this paper attempts to examine the dynamic patterns in the allocation of credit across firms in Korea. Supposedly, in Korea, the economic crisis in 1997 had a significant impact on the pattern in the allocation of credit across firms. In particular, this paper aims...
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This paper contributes to the literature comparing the relative performance of financial intermediaries and markets by studying an environment in which a trade-off between risk sharing and growth arises endogenously. Financial intermediaries provide insurance to households against a liquidity...
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Money managers are rewarded for increasing the value of assets under management, and predominantly so in the mutual fund industry. This gives the manager an implicit incentive to exploit the well-documented positive fund-flows to relative-performance relationship by manipulating her risk...
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This paper investigates whether Japanese banks had been following herd behavior in the domestic loan market from 1975 through 2002. Applying the technique developed by Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (LSV) (1992, J. of Fin. Econ.) to the data of loans outstanding to different types of...
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Credit sharing information mechanisms represent the institutional answer to the asymmetric information problems inherent to credit markets. It is generally accepted that sharing information is beneficial for the participant institutions, however, there are few studies that have measured the...
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This paper investigates whether Japanese banks had been following herd behavior in the domestic loan market from 1975 through 2002. Applying the technique developed by Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (LSV) (1992, J. of Fin. Econ.) to the data of loans outstanding to different types of...
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I develop a Markov model of samrt money chasing past winning funds while taking into account associated costs. The model also allows market capital entry and exit. The steady-state capital allocations re derived using constant transition probabilities. The results sugget that down side risk is...
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Se estudia asignaciones óptimas de clases de activo (Asset Allocation) para afiliados representativos a las AFP con diferentes plazos para jubilar. Se supone que el afiliado desearía maximizar su pensión esperada al momento de jubilar, dado un nivel de riesgo. Entonces, la pregunta es qué...
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This paper tests for the martingale (or random walk) hypothesis in the stock prices of a group of Asian countries. The selected countries represent well-developed markets (Hong Kong and Japan) as well as emerging markets (Korea, Taiwan and Thailand). This paper adopts a new joint variance ratio...
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