Showing 1 - 10 of 48
consumer is willing to pay to buy a risky asset. We relate this measure to a set of consumers' decisions that in theory should … consistent with theory. We also use this indicator to address the importance of self-selection when relating indicators of risk …
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studies have focused on one implication of cascade theory--the realization of cascades. Yet the prediction of the model is …
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This paper introduces a tractable, structural model of subjective beliefs. Since agents that plan for the future care about expected future utility flows, current felicity can be increased by believing that better outcomes are more likely. On the other hand, expectations that are biased towards...
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We examine an economy in which the cost of consuming some goods can be reduced by making commitments to consumption levels that do not vary across states. For example, moral hazard and matching considerations may make it cheaper to produce housing services via owner-occupied than rented housing,...
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This paper analyzes a bilateral trade problem where the seller makes hidden investment that influences the buyer's private valuation. Complete contracts can be written on observable trade decisions. It is shown that efficiency level in investment and trade is negatively related to the scope of...
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either charge a high unadvertised price or randomize in an interval of lower advertised prices. Theory predicts that … of the human buyers, this advertising leads to strongly competitive pricing that is inconsistent with the theory …
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This paper shows that monitoring too much a partner in the initial phase of a relationship may not be optimal if the goal is to determine his loyalty to the match and if the cost of ending the relationship increases over time. The intuition is simple: by monitoring too much we learn less on how...
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This paper is an adaptation of the Chamley-Gale endogenous-timing information-revelation model of investment (Econometrica 1994). It models a game with pure informational externality where agents can learn by observing others' actions. The social learning can result in herding and possibly in an...
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A firm can merge with one of n potential partners. The owner of each firm has private information about both his firm's stand-alone value and a component of the synergies that would be realized by the merger involving his firm. We characterize incentive-efficient mechanisms in two cases. First,...
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We first point out that, using any of the current criteria for comparing information systems in principal-agent models with moral hazard (such as Kim (1994)'s criterion), it is often impossible to contrast the value of information obtained from different policies of contingent audits that bear...
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