Showing 41 - 50 of 78
Theory and evidence have raised concerns that microcredit does more harm than good, particularly when offered at high interest rates. We use a clustered randomized trial, and household surveys of eligible borrowers and their businesses, to estimate impacts from an expansion of group lending at...
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High transaction and contracting costs are often thought to create credit and savings market failures in developing countries. The microfinance movement grew largely out of business process innovations and subsidies that reduced these costs. We examine an alternative approach, one that infuses...
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Firms spend billions of dollars each year advertising consumer products in order to influence demand. Much of these outlays are on the creative design of advertising content. Creative content often uses nuances of presentation and framing that have large effects on consumer decision making in...
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Can one teach entrepreneurship, or is it a fixed personal characteristic? Most academic and policy discussion on microentrepreneurs in developing countries focuses on their access to credit, and assumes their human capital to be fixed. However, a growing number of microfinance organizations are...
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Female "empowerment" has increasingly become a policy goal, both as an end to itself and as a means to achieving other development goals. Microfinance in particular has often been argued, but not without controversy, to be a tool for empowering women. Here, using a randomized controlled trial,...
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We designed a commitment savings product for a Philippine bank and implemented it using a randomized control methodology. The savings product was intended for individuals who want to commit now to restrict access to their savings, and who were sophisticated enough to engage in such a mechanism....
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We examine a randomized trial that allows separate identification of peer screening and enforcement of credit contracts. A South African microlender offered half its clients a bonus for referring a friend who repaid a loan. For the remaining clients, the bonus was conditional on loan approval....
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Comprendre comment les consommateurs découvrent, adoptent et tissent une relation avec des marques suscite un intérêt croissant parmi les chercheurs en comportement du consommateur. Une relation étant constituée d’une série d’interactions, les interactions clés entre marque et...
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Le premier objectif de cet article est de proposer un cadre conceptuel présentant l’ensemble des facteurs susceptibles d’influencer la réponse de l’internaute lors de la réception d’un email à vocation commerciale. Outre les variables liées à l’email lui-même et aux...
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Cet article a pour objectif d’explorer deux stratégies pouvant répondre au problème d’arrivée à maturité du «marché» de la collecte de fonds dans le secteur associatif : rajeunir la cible visée et changer d’outil marketing. Après une revue de littérature, il présente les...
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