Showing 1 - 10 of 11
Little attention has been paid to the finite-sample properties of tests for overidentifying restrictions in linear regression models with a single endogenous regressor and weak instruments. We study several such tests in models estimated by instrumental variables (IV) and limited-information...
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We study several tests for the coefficient of the single right-hand-side endogenous variable in a linear equation estimated by instrumental variables. We show that writing all the test statistics -- Student's t, Anderson-Rubin, the LM statistic of Kleibergen and Moreira (K), and likelihood ratio...
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We propose a wild bootstrap procedure for linear regression models estimated by instrumental variables. Like other bootstrap procedures that we have proposed elsewhere, it uses efficient estimates of the reduced-form equation(s). Unlike them, it takes account of possible heteroskedasticity of...
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We perform an extensive series of Monte Carlo experiments to compare the performance of two variants of the "Jackknife Instrumental Variables Estimator," or JIVE, with that of the more familiar 2SLS and LIML estimators. We find no evidence to suggest that JIVE should ever be used. It is always...
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We study several tests for the coefficient of the single right-hand-side endogenous variable in a linear equation estimated by instrumental variables. We show that all the test statistics--Student's t, Anderson-Rubin, Kleibergen's K, and likelihood ratio (LR)--can be written as functions of six...
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We study several methods of constructing confidence sets for the coefficient of the single right-hand-side endogenous variable in a linear equation with weak instruments. Two of these are based on conditional likelihood ratio (CLR) tests, and the others are based on inverting t statistics or the...
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We develop a new method, based on the use of polar coordinates, to investigate the existence of moments for instrumental variables and related estimators in the linear regression model. For generalized IV estimators, we obtain familiar results. For JIVE, we obtain the new result that this...
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This article argues that conventional approaches to the treatment of seasonality in econometric investigation are often inappropriate. A more appropriate technique is to allow all regression coefficients to vary with the season, but to constrain them to do so in a smooth fashion. A Bayesian...
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This paper provides an interpretation of the vast literature on testing for unit roots and estimating co-integrating relations. Emphasis is placed on identifying the particular ways in which methods of dynamic specification need to be modified in order to take account of the possible presence of...
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We examine several modified versions of the heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator of Hinkley and White. On the basis of sampling experiments which compare the performance of quasi t statistics, we find that one estimator, based on the jackknife, performs better in small...
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