Showing 1 - 10 of 47
Little attention has been paid to the finite-sample properties of tests for overidentifying restrictions in linear regression models with a single endogenous regressor and weak instruments. We study several such tests in models estimated by instrumental variables (IV) and limited-information...
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the tests of Hansen (1991) to detect structural breaks in cointegrated relations using Monte Carlo methods. The evaluation takes place within the linear quadratic model. The evidence for a single regressor suggests that the test have proper size and...
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In this paper we examine tests for cointegration which allow for the possibility of regime shifts. We propose augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips type tests designed to test the null of no cointegration against the alternative of cointegration in the presence of a possible regime shift....
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There are many bootstrap methods that can be used for econometric analysis. In certain circumstances, such as regression models with independent and identically distributed error terms, appropriately chosen bootstrap methods generally work very well. However, there are many other cases, such as...
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We first propose procedures for estimating the rejection probabilities for bootstrap tests in Monte Carlo experiments without actually computing a bootstrap test for each replication. These procedures are only about twice as expensive as estimating rejection probabilities for asymptotic tersts....
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Conventional procedures for Monte Carlo and bootstrap tests require that B, the number of simulations, satisfy a specific relationship with the level of the test. Otherwise, a test that would instead be exact will either overreject or underreject for finite B. We present expressions for the...
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This paper surveys bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods for testing hypotheses in econometrics. Several different ways of computing bootstrap P values are discussed, including the double bootstrap and the fast double bootstrap. It is emphasized that there are many different procedures for...
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The fast double bootstrap, or FDB, is a procedure for calculating bootstrap P values that is much more computationally efficient than the double bootstrap itself. In many cases, it can provide more accurate results than ordinary bootstrap tests. For the fast double bootstrap to be valid, the...
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We study several tests for the coefficient of the single right-hand-side endogenous variable in a linear equation estimated by instrumental variables. We show that writing all the test statistics -- Student's t, Anderson-Rubin, the LM statistic of Kleibergen and Moreira (K), and likelihood ratio...
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We propose a wild bootstrap procedure for linear regression models estimated by instrumental variables. Like other bootstrap procedures that we have proposed elsewhere, it uses efficient estimates of the reduced-form equation(s). Unlike them, it takes account of possible heteroskedasticity of...
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