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'This groundbreaking exploration of the concept of necessity entrepreneurship cuts to the heart of the culture wars … entrepreneurship, microenterprise education and long-term economic development. An estimated one billion individuals in both developed … respective nations. This volume is the foundation upon which the budding discipline of necessity entrepreneurship can be built …
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for SMEs growth / D. Lauto G. Pittino and F. Visintin -- Part I the context -- 2. Entrepreneurship and technological …. Micro-context and institutional entrepreneurship: multiple case studies and innovative start-ups / D. Giacomini, C. Muzzi, S …. 'reassembling the social', in entrepreneurial innovation and academic entrepreneurship studies: the 'amphibious scientists …
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This third book in the series focuses on how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute to achieving and sustaining growth and performance in their economies, as well as the ways in which governments can assist and enhance that contribution. This is of particular concern given the...
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V.1Entrepreneurship, public policy and research.Emergence of entrepreneurship policy /Brett Anitra Gilbert, David B …. Audretsch, Patricia P. McDougall --Linking entrepreneurship and economic growth /Sander Wennekers, Roy Thurik --Entrepreneurship … development /Sanal Kumar Velayudhan --Role of government in SME development in transition economies /David Smallbone, Friederike …
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entrepreneurship, gender and development context. With extensive case studies of women's experiences across the enterprise life … finance, collaborative networks, digital entrepreneurship and transitional entrepreneurship in women-owned businesses. Using … interested in entrepreneurship, gender and management, and development studies. It will also be a vital guide for practitioners …
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The contributors to this book look at the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in emerging regions in India, China, Ireland … general framework for understanding the relationship between economic development and entrepreneurship to more specific … of entrepreneurship in regions that do not have all of the classical prerequisites (such as financial and human capital …
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This book examines the interrelations between entrepreneurship, industrial location and economic growth. Thus, it … covers a wide range of topics, including: the economic impact of entrepreneurship; industry dynamics; growth and survival of … practitioners and policymakers interested in entrepreneurship, industrial location and industry dynamics. It will also be of …
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, stimulate thought, raise further questions and demonstrate the complexity of the rapidly-advancing field of entrepreneurship … entrepreneurship and small business, various issues are raised about entrepreneurship education and learning and the application of … entrepreneurship to various sectors and sectional interests. For example, what conceptual framework is available for entrepreneurs and …
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, equity and asset-based finance; and recent global inflationary pressures. Ultimately, the book argues that SME resilience is … resource for students and researchers of entrepreneurship, financial regulation and the economics of innovation. It will also … be an invaluable guide for policymakers and practitioners seeking to boost SME resilience and control economic shocks"-- …
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. Addressing the intersection between the fields of international business and entrepreneurship, this topical Research Agenda … wholly encapsulates the multi-dimensional nature of international entrepreneurship. It provides essential insight into themes …-to-date definition for international entrepreneurship, discussing how particular new ventures may be effective in assessing factors such …
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