Showing 1 - 10 of 22
for SMEs growth / D. Lauto G. Pittino and F. Visintin -- Part I the context -- 2. Entrepreneurship and technological …. Micro-context and institutional entrepreneurship: multiple case studies and innovative start-ups / D. Giacomini, C. Muzzi, S …. 'reassembling the social', in entrepreneurial innovation and academic entrepreneurship studies: the 'amphibious scientists …
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This third book in the series focuses on how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute to achieving and sustaining growth and performance in their economies, as well as the ways in which governments can assist and enhance that contribution. This is of particular concern given the...
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The contributors to this book look at the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in emerging regions in India, China, Ireland … general framework for understanding the relationship between economic development and entrepreneurship to more specific … of entrepreneurship in regions that do not have all of the classical prerequisites (such as financial and human capital …
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This book examines the interrelations between entrepreneurship, industrial location and economic growth. Thus, it … covers a wide range of topics, including: the economic impact of entrepreneurship; industry dynamics; growth and survival of … practitioners and policymakers interested in entrepreneurship, industrial location and industry dynamics. It will also be of …
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results for the US and Japan -- ch. 8. Growth forecasting -- ch. 9. Economic growth and development : towards a catch-up model …
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This book rigorously explores the critical, initial stage of cluster emergence in which the seeds for further growth are sown. Whether economic growth actually occurs, however, ultimately depends on various regional conditions and the processes in place
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, investigate the decision of firms to venture into entrepreneurship and clarify some misunderstanding about Schumpeter's ideas. The …
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Uruguay’s First Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria are discussed. Growth has slowed from the strong post-crisis recovery, and inflation has remained subdued. Export growth has been strong, and although a sharp recovery in imports...
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The IMF staff report on Mexico’s financial policies has been satisfactory; these policies have been said to act as a buffer against risks that erupted during the global economic crisis. Mexico has been identified as a prudent and fairly well-managed economy. However, the issues that would...
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The German economy has made major strides, helped by wide-ranging reforms. Greater transparency and stronger incentives for prudent action will support crisis prevention and management. The immediate priorities are preserving the integrity of the financial system and maintaining economic...
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