Showing 1 - 10 of 19
for SMEs growth / D. Lauto G. Pittino and F. Visintin -- Part I the context -- 2. Entrepreneurship and technological …. Micro-context and institutional entrepreneurship: multiple case studies and innovative start-ups / D. Giacomini, C. Muzzi, S …. 'reassembling the social', in entrepreneurial innovation and academic entrepreneurship studies: the 'amphibious scientists …
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This third book in the series focuses on how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute to achieving and sustaining growth and performance in their economies, as well as the ways in which governments can assist and enhance that contribution. This is of particular concern given the...
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The contributors to this book look at the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in emerging regions in India, China, Ireland … general framework for understanding the relationship between economic development and entrepreneurship to more specific … of entrepreneurship in regions that do not have all of the classical prerequisites (such as financial and human capital …
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This book examines the interrelations between entrepreneurship, industrial location and economic growth. Thus, it … covers a wide range of topics, including: the economic impact of entrepreneurship; industry dynamics; growth and survival of … practitioners and policymakers interested in entrepreneurship, industrial location and industry dynamics. It will also be of …
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results for the US and Japan -- ch. 8. Growth forecasting -- ch. 9. Economic growth and development : towards a catch-up model …
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In this short report we present simulations based on an updated version of A-LMM, the Austrian Long-run Macroeconomic Model. In addition to a baseline scenario based on the main population projection of Statistics Austria, we simulate the effects of low and high migration, high life expectancy...
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We use the Austrian Long-run Macroeconomic Model (A-LMM) for a long-term projection of the Austrian economy until 2070. Our baseline scenario is the input for micro-simulation models of the Austrian pension insurance system. A-LMM is a neoclassical growth model replicating stylised facts about...
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This book is a unique tool providing facts, figures and analysis of economic growth in OECD countries. The analysis focuses on the growth patterns of OECD countries during the last decade and identifies the fundamental drivers of growth. It also looks at how and why countries react differently...
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Diese Veröffentlichung bietet einen einzigartigen Überblick über Fakten, Daten und Analysen des Wirtschaftswachstums in den OECD-Ländern. Betrachtet werden vor allem die Wachstumsstrukturen der OECD-Länder in den letzten zehn Jahren, wobei versucht wird, die wichtigsten Antriebskräfte des...
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