Showing 1 - 10 of 11
for SMEs growth / D. Lauto G. Pittino and F. Visintin -- Part I the context -- 2. Entrepreneurship and technological …. Micro-context and institutional entrepreneurship: multiple case studies and innovative start-ups / D. Giacomini, C. Muzzi, S …. 'reassembling the social', in entrepreneurial innovation and academic entrepreneurship studies: the 'amphibious scientists …
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This third book in the series focuses on how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute to achieving and sustaining growth and performance in their economies, as well as the ways in which governments can assist and enhance that contribution. This is of particular concern given the...
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The contributors to this book look at the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in emerging regions in India, China, Ireland … general framework for understanding the relationship between economic development and entrepreneurship to more specific … of entrepreneurship in regions that do not have all of the classical prerequisites (such as financial and human capital …
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results for the US and Japan -- ch. 8. Growth forecasting -- ch. 9. Economic growth and development : towards a catch-up model …
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This book rigorously explores the critical, initial stage of cluster emergence in which the seeds for further growth are sown. Whether economic growth actually occurs, however, ultimately depends on various regional conditions and the processes in place
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, investigate the decision of firms to venture into entrepreneurship and clarify some misunderstanding about Schumpeter's ideas. The …
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and networks in spatial economies / Börje Johansson -- Part I aspects of entrepreneurship -- 3. Local social … entrepreneurship and social capital / Niels Bosma, Veronique Schutjens and Beate Volker -- 4. Does persistence in start-up activity … reflect persistence in social capital? / Michael Fritsch and Michael Wyrwich -- 5. Women's entrepreneurship and social capital …
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Contents: Part I: Entrepreneurship and formal and informal institutions -- 1. Understanding the drivers of an …'s cultural dimensions and modes of entry into entrepreneurship / Joern H. Block and Sascha G. Walter -- 3. Entrepreneurs using … Teruel and Gerrit de Wit -- 5. Institutions, entrepreneurship, and regional growth in Indonesia (1994-2010) / François …
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entrepreneurship. This book fills that gap, focusing on policy aspects of government-university partnerships with a discussion both of …1. An historical perspective on government-university partnerships to enhance entrepreneurship and economic development … -- 2. Government policies to encourage economic development through entrepreneurship : the case of technology transfer -- 3 …
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This state-of-the-art book provides a window on contemporary European entrepreneurship and small business research. The … papers selected demonstrate the applied nature of entrepreneurship research as well as the various contributions that … entrepreneurship can make to local, regional and national development …
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