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skill returns that may actually accrue from market risk factors and illiquidity. Recent innovations in hedge fund …
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In this paper we discuss some statistical pitfalls that may occur in modeling cross-dependences with copulas in … financial applications. In particular we focus on issues arising in the estimation and the empirical choice of copulas as well … as in the design of time-dependent copulas. …
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In this paper we present a model to price and hedge basket credit derivatives andcollateralised loan obligation. Based upon the copula-approach by Schönbucher and Schubert (2001) the model allows a specification of the joint dynamics of credit spreads and default intensities, including a...
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In this paper we provide a convenient econometric framework for the analy-sis of nonlinear dependence in financial applications. We introduce models withconstrained nonparametric dependence, which specify the conditional distrib-ution or the copula in terms of a one-dimensional functional...
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in details the links between default correlation and jumps in shortterm spreads, and how these phenomenons depend on the …, ceux-ci pouvant ou non varier dans le temps. Nous discutons particulièrment les liens entre la corrélation de défaut et les …
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This project and two potential sources of model riskin the valuation of basket credit derivatives. The frameworkemployed is that of a latent variable model with factor structure which enjoys a great popularity in the .nancial industry as well as in academia. Preliminary...
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We consider a nonparametric method to estimate copulas, i.e. functions linking joint distributions to their univariate … margins. We derive the asymptotic properties of kernel estimators of copulas and their derivatives in the context of a …
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In this paper we have found an analytical formula for a copula that connects the numbers Ni of customers in the nodes of a Gordon and Newell queueing network. We have considered two cases: the first one is the case of the network with 2 nodes, and the second one is the case of the network with...
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The stochastic frontier model was first proposed in the context of production function estimation to account for the effect of technical inefficiency. The inefficiency causes actual output to fall below the potential level (that is, the production frontier) and also raises production cost above...
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We use the copula approach to study the structure of dependence between sell-side analysts' consensus recommendations and subsequent security returns, with a focus on asymmetric tail dependence. We match monthly vintages of I/B/E/S recommendations for the period January to December 2011 with...
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