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illustrated. -- Bayesian panel regression ; parametric covariance ; model selection …
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In this paper we derive a unit root test against a Panel Logistic Smooth Transition Autoregressive (PLSTAR). The …, finite sample properties of the test are examined. We highlight scenarios under which the traditional panel unit root tests … by Harris and Tzavalis have inferior or reasonable power compared to our test. -- Dynamic nonlinear panel ; Smooth …
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In this paper we present a unit root test against a nonlinear dynamic heterogenous panel with each cross section …
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In Young (1993, 1998) agents are recurrently matched to play a finite game and almost always play a myopic best reply to a frequency distribution based on a sample from the recent history of play. He proves that in a generic class of finite n-player games, as the mutation rate tends to zero,...
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size. -- Bounded rationality ; Evolutionary game theory ; Imitation ; Better replies ; Markov chain ; Stochastic stability …
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we use the previously developed Hilbert space realization theory in order provide general necessary and sufficent … the theory by analyzing a number of concrete examples. -- HJM models ; stochastic volatility ; factor models ; forward …
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