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We estimate the effects of the implementation of a compulsory work injury insurance in Sweden in 1978 on compensating …
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in the educational debate. These issues were the focus of a major education reform in Sweden which was implemented in the … distinguish its direct effect on earnings from the effect it had by increasing the quantity of education. We find that the main … source of increased earnings came from increasing educational attainment. -- Returns to education ; LATE ; Propesity score …
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This paper examines the implications of income redistribution on human capital accumulation and income inequality … intellectual ability. It is shown that the impact of redistribution is ambiguous on the income distribution as well as on human …
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-- human capital ; returns to education ; gender inequality …
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tested by an in-depth examination of the experiences of Sweden and the US. Despite large levels of R&D spending and … comprehensive government support schemes, science-based entrepre-neurship has been far less important in Sweden compared to the US … Sweden in some areas is consistent with these changes. Our analysis suggests that a policy aimed at encouraging science …
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address this question by characterizing and evaluating the policy pursued in Sweden and the US, two countries that put a great … record, there is an impression of laggard rates of commercialization of academic research results in Sweden. Although there …
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