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of tasks. Two main channels of offshoring tasks are taken into account : offshore outsourcing and in-house offshoring … depends on the offshoring channel. Offshore outsourcing of R&D has a positive effect on the anticipated domestic employment …, whereas in-house offshoring of R&D has a negative effect. Specific for the manufacturing sector is that offshore outsourcing …
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This working paper looks in detail at the H-1B and L-1 visa programs for temporary employment in the United States. Based on official data from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services and the US Department of State, H-1B and L-1 visa issuance rapidly increased in the late 1990s, followed by...
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This paper explores the effects of outsourcing on employee well-being through the use of the Finnish linked employer …-employee data. The direct negative effect of outsourcing is attributable to greater job destruction and worker outflow. In terms of … perceived well-being, the winners in international outsourcing are those who are capable of performing interactive tasks (i …
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of internationalization (in-house offshoring vs. offshore outsourcing vs. in-house expansion of R&D abroad). Moreover …This study empirically explores whether R&D offshoring affects the domestic R&D employment at the firm level. Overall … effects. In the manufacturing sector, especially in-house offshoring of R&D has a significant negative impact on the plan to …
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This study analyses the extent and motives of outsourcing and offshoring. We find that in early 2000, 10, 000 23, 000 …&D jobs have been relocated from Finland. Outsourcing is most commonly observed in ser-vice-related functions, but also … flexibility increases. In terms of R&D outsourcing, attempts to acquire knowledge, increase flexibility and reduce costs are …
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.e., multinational enterprises and offshoring firms) contribute to occupational restructuring and to establishing the role of …
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Since their inception at the end of the Second World War, the sister organizations of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have aimed to consistently speak with one voice vis-à-vis their member governments. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that they often do not speak in...
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We develop a new empirical approach to identify tradable service activities. Contrary to conventional views of service activities as nontradable, we find a significant number of service industries and occupations that appear tradable and substantial employment in these tradable activities....
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Multinational corporations account for 80 percent of all transfers of goods and services across borders, either within their own affiliate transactions or through networks with independent providers. As a result, the term supply chains is rapidly becoming the new norm in discussing the spread of...
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