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This volume was prepared by Jens Ruhose while he was working at the Ifo Institute. It was completed in December 2014 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the University of Munich. It includes four self-contained chapters that contribute to the understanding of the...
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Das internationale Bankensystem stand in den vergangenen Jahren im Fokus des öffentlichen Interesses. Bei der Diskussion möglicher Optionen zur Verbesserung der Finanzsystemstabilität rückt zunehmend die Corporate Governance in Banken in den Fokus. Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht widmet...
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Das internationale Bankensystem stand in den vergangenen Jahren im Fokus des öffentlichen Interesses. Bei der Diskussion möglicher Optionen zur Verbesserung der Finanzsystemstabilität rückt zunehmend die Corporate Governance in Banken in den Fokus. Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht widmet...
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Am 1. Januar 2015 wurde in Deutschland ein flächendeckender, gesetzlicher Mindestlohn in Höhe von 8,50Euro je Stunde eingeführt. Dieser soll zum 1. Januar 2017 erstmals angepasst werden. Die Anpassung soll dabei laut Mindestlohngesetz die Auswirkungen des Mindestlohns auf den Mindestschutz...
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On 9 december 2016, the upper house of Japan's parliament approved the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Prime Minister … would send a signal about Japan's continuing support to back global trade deals. With the Transatlantic Trade and Investment … chances are high that negotiations between the EU and Japan could now be quickly concluded after almost four years and 18 …
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This study was prepared by Nadine Fabritz while she was working at the Ifo Institute for Economic Research in the Department for Human Capital and Innovation. It was completed in June 2014 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the University of Munich in October...
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The dissertation elaborates on topics that are related to (i) intergenerational transfers of wealth and to (ii) how government ideology and elections influence outcomes (income inequality and budget consolidation) and political processes (fiscal planning and policy advice). The dissertation...
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