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For any intransitive community preference, we construct a non-convex economy where all the marginal cost pricing general equilibria are Pareto inefficient (theorem 3.2). The result is valid without requiring a fixed income distribution rule (corollary 3.3). Intransitive community preferences are...
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the link between CSR growth and income distribution. We present a general equilibrium model where social responsibility enters both firms' and consumers' decisions. The model admits the existence of multiple equilibria, each of them characterized by a...
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This paper compares the theory of value and distribution of Arrow and Debreu [1954] with that of Sraffa [1960]. I consider such versions of the two models that capture their salient features, without aiming at the greatest possible generality, so as to isolate the precise nature of the...
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A popular and highly politicized theme today is that US workers are falling behind as their real wages fall and income gets redistributed to the rich. The Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution, led by Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers and Roger Altman, is dedicated to the study of this...
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The linear savings function in Stiglitz' model of wealth distribution is replaced by the assumption that the average savings propensity of each individual is determined by its relative income position and the marginal propensity to save is an increasing function of individual income. It is shown...
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There is strong evidence that different income groups consume di¤erent bundles of goods. This evidence suggests that trade liberalization can a¤ect welfare inequality within a country via changes in the relative prices of goods consumed by di¤erent income groups (the price effect). In this...
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There is strong evidence that different income groups consume different bundles of goods. This evidence suggests that trade liberalization can affect welfare inequality within a country via changes in the relative prices of goods consumed by different income groups (the price effect). In this...
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Four economists, Mauro Gallegati, Steven Keen, Thomas Lux, and Paul Ormerod, published a paper after the 2005 Econophysics Colloquium criticizing conservative particle systems as models of income and wealth distribution. Their critique made science news: coverage in a feature article in Nature....
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This paper focuses on three (marginal?) questions surrounding the analysis of economic convergence and uses Spanish provinces as a means of illustration. The three questions in hand are the following: (i) given that the geographical units of analysis are usually quite different in economic size,...
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This report surveys a dozen international comparative studies of poverty, income distribution and the elderly in OECD countries. It updates a previous Department of Social Security report — Whiteford and Kennedy, 1995, based on data from the mid- to late-1980s — including information up to...
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